国際会議の日程(IFFAS Onlineから転載)


    IFFAS Calendar of Meetings      
European Foot and Ankle Society 4th Instructional Course
September 27-28, 2002
Geneva, Switzerland
Contact: EFAS Secretariat
Fax 1-230-2594; efas@eventplus.ie

American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society Specialty Day
February 8, 2003
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Contact: Diane Fields
Tel: (206) 223-1120; Fax (206) 223-1178; diane@aofas.org

Third Latin-American Congress of Medicine and Surgery of the Leg and Foot
Second Pan-American Congress of Medicine and Surgery of the Leg and Foot
Eleventh Brazilian Congress of Medicine and Surgery of the Foot

May 1- 4, 2003
Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil
Contact: Sociedade Brasileira de Medicine e Cirurgia do Pé
Tel: (55-11) 3082-6919, Fax: (55-11) 3082-2518, sbmcp@sbmpc.org.br

Eurpoean Foot & Ankle Society Specialty Day
June 9, 2003
Helsinki, Finland
Contact: EFAS Secretariat
Fax: 1-230-2594, efas@eventplus.ie

American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society 19th Annual Meeting
June 27-29, 2003
Hilton Head, South Carolina, USA
Contact: Diane Fields
Tel: (206) 223-1120; Fax (206) 223-1178; diane@aofas.org

2nd Congress
Asian Federation of Foot and Ankle Societies
(5th Asian Symposium of foot Surgery)

Philippines 2004
Contact Emil B. Tablante, Philippine Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society


Japanese Society for Surgery of the Foot
July 2003
Gunma Chuo General Hospital
Contact: Atsushi Hasegawa, M.D.




26th Annual Meeting
Japanese Society for Surgery of the Foot

June 22-23, 2001
Osaka, Japan
Contact: Chikara Kitada
Fax: +81-6-6781-2194

Spain/USA Congress of the Foot and Ankle
Nov. 15-17, 2001
Madrid, Spain
Contact: Robert Anderson, M.D., drrba@prodigy.net; Antonio Villadot. M.D.